After the initial euphoria of seeing family and my friend, my health took a downward spiral. Nothing major, really, however I suspect I’m suffering some mild withdrawal. At my request my meds were halved; I’m not happy with their reclassification in the UK, and I really don’t like one or two of the side-effects, so I determined to come off them which has to be done gradually. Within days of halving the medication I came down with a bad cold that I’m still not over, and anything I eat, and I mean anything, upsets my stomach; this has been going on for almost 2 weeks now. Sleep hasn’t been too bad, it’s just the awake I’m having trouble with LMAO. Physically, and spiritually, I’ve been feeling very low though perversely, my energy levels have been mostly good. I’m done with the 2 weeks at halved dosage, and now I’m into the final 2 weeks of further halving the meds after which I’ll simply stop taking them. It was suggested I see my GP to discuss other meds, including pain meds, however I want this cr*p totally out of my system, then I’ll see what to do next. It all depends on if my stupid nerves behave themselves, or else continue to give me ‘phantom’ pain. I’m trying deep massage which helps with the pain in my leg, and I’m taking evening primrose oil, hopefully these will help. Meanwhile, I’ve been in a ‘fug’ and basically a bit of a bad mood, so I’ve steered clear of the news, mostly, and social media; not trusting myself to read or comment. I’m sure I’ll start to feel better soon and will be on-form once again. Until then, please bear with me. Thanks to Gracie, for the concern.