Despite the promise of warmer temperatures, and sunnier days, it’s starting to feel very autumnal here. I don’t know if it’s the wildly swinging temperature, or the heavy rainfall and high winds, but this morning, whilst walking the dog, I was kicking through leaves as if it were autumn already. Having said that, in the UK, it will be autumn soon it just seems to have come around quickly this year.

The weather made me think of my Grandparents. For a time, we lived with them during the breakup and divorce of my parents. On a Sunday morning, with our bellies full of porridge and toast, our Grandfather would take us for a long walk in the woods. We’d gather kindling for their fire, and chestnuts. We’d happily kick through the leaves for what seemed like hours, looking for those spiky balls of green, and gently roll them under a booted foot to get at the shiny brown goodness that is a chestnut. I loved them ‘raw’ though others liked them roasted in the embers of the fire. We’d then trudge home with our spoils, discarding boots before entering the house, sit quietly with a steaming cup of tea, and eagerly await the call to a roast dinner. My Grandmother was a fantastic cook, and I’d love to simply watch her, taking it all in, and taking mental notes. My Mother taught me to cook too, though mostly I learned from my Grandmother. The dining table would always groan with the weight of the meal, and the table seemed huge to us kids. My kid sister has that table now, and even with the ‘leaves’ open, it doesn’t seem very big now. Happy times. It seems to me that many children spend their lives wishing to be an adult, whilst some adults wish they were children again; to be cared for, looked after, to have no decisions to make, no money worries… Sighs…

Back in the adult world, last week and this week, I’ve had 4 Thanks but No Thanks from job applications, including the university post. Bummer! I’ve also had a missive from the council demanding details of my accounts, and income to prove that I’m eligible for a council tax rebate. I took over the info, saw someone straight away, and advised that I hadn’t even asked for a rebate, nor did I assume I was due one! They’ll look into it, though I’ve asked before, and was advised I’m not eligible apart from the student discount for my son. I ensured I pointed that out in case they took that off me, and advised he has another year of Uni to go. The hits just keep on coming!

Monday, after climbing the walls for a while, I decided I’d go for a drive and try to find a farm shop and garden centre I’d seen online. Well, the Satnav took me in what I thought was the opposite direction, then plonked me on the major A road in the area. I hate this road. Despite having the address, and the Satnav, I couldn’t find it. On the way back I avoided the A road for the most part though it did take me through a huge industrial estate, then tried to send me the wrong way as I neared home. I think it was having an episode, and not for the first time! I’ve checked Google Maps, and to add insult, I was a few hundred yards from my destination. No sign posts, no clue it was there. I’ll try again in the week, though I’ll stick to the smaller A road that I know and like. The major one is like being on a motorway and is very busy with very impatient drivers. Not my idea of a nice drive!

Enjoy the rest of the week. I hope we all have some much-needed sunshine and calmer weather.