Okay, that’s something they suggest on a shampoo bottle; however, this seems to be my sleep (or not) pattern as of late. Falling asleep to the neighbour’s TV (how did I manage before?) then being woken by them at stupid O’clock (just for you Gracie) leaving their house and chatting loudly outside whilst they wait for their taxi. Then I fall asleep again, only to be woken around 4:45 by awful pins and needles in my hands. By this time, I’m so p*ssed off I can’t then get back to sleep. Good grief!

We’ve had some pretty awful weather here; it’s either very hot and muggy or pouring with rain with high winds too. I emptied the buckets into the water butt for the nth time, only to have a further inch of rain in 24 hours. More rain is forecast, along with thundery showers, and high winds. Ah, summer time… Roll on autumn.

I’m still jumping through hoops to see if I’m eligible for any financial help from our glorious social services. Honestly, I’m starting to feel like a criminal: I have to provide evidence of any monies I have, which I’ve done, though now they want me to provide evidence again. See? Rinse and repeat. If I’m not entitled to any assistance, I certainly won’t be attending interviews with them or providing evidence anymore.

In other news my son recently had his 2-year eye check-up and thankfully his sight has only deteriorated very slightly in one eye so no new glasses. That could have been an expense we don’t need. He does have very dry eyes, and some scratching on his cornea; oh dear, just like his Mum, and they recommend he uses eye-drops regularly.

I have a job interview next week for a post at a local university. I’ve avoided applying for jobs that state there’s a test as part of the interview process however this application now states there’s a 30 minute test prior to the interview. This wasn’t on the application description. Oh dear… Another post I applied for came back very quickly with a thanks but no thanks. I keep trying.

After 13 months, and feeling at a loose end, I decided to sort out some ‘stuff’ in the house. My son quickly joined in and sorted through 3 boxes that have been languishing in the bottom of his wardrobe. The recycle bins are now full lol.

My son made dinner Friday night, opened a can ‘wrong’ and promptly cut his thumb on the sharp edge. Honestly, I’ve shown him numerous times how to open a can safely, but he doesn’t seem to get it. I dealt with dinner whilst he bled his way upstairs for a plaster. Once he was sorted, he took over again whilst I cleaned up his bloody trail. Count to ten…

Friday, again, we had yet another power cut lasting around 20 minutes. I think this is at least the 4th one in 13 months. Ridiculous! I’ve heard people joke that Wales is a backwater, and not up to much, but in the previous house I remember a few brown-outs and only 2 major power cuts. I lived in that same house in Wales for 11 years. Once my son graduates, and hopefully gets a job, I doubt I’ll stay in this area, or even England come to that. It’ll take being in a good job to make me want to stay.

I’m bored with the rain now, and the thunder, and being holed up indoors. I’m getting cabin fever!

Have a good weekend.