Import your Flickr photos

What will be imported?

The photo in its original format.

Title, description.

Sharing (public, private, family, friends...).

Gps coordinates.

First 50 keywords.

And other information if we are able to.

Here is a method to easily import your Flickr photos to your ipernity account

Note: applies to photos only not videos.


Firefox If you are using this browser please use the Greasemonkey addon.
Greasemonkey This extension must be installed in Firefox.


Chrome new If you are using this browser please use the Tampermonkey addon.
Tampermonkey new This addon must be installed in Chrome.

At least one of the plugins must be installed:


To import all your photos from Flickr to ipernity (by batches of 90 photos)

Flickr2ipernity To import one by one your Flickr photos to ipernity.
Flickr.album.importer new

To import a Flickr set to an ipernity album

How does it work?

From your Firefox or Chrome browser:

  • open a page and log on to your ipernity account;
  • open a second page and log on to your Flickr account;
  • to import 90 photos at a time go to your Flickr photo gallery, click on the button " import to ipernity " underneath the banner on the top of the page then select within the menu the 90 photos to import (chunk 1, corresponding to the 90 photos oldest first). Renew the operation if necessary by selecting another photo page (chunk 2 etc...).

  • To import a particular Flickr photo go to the page of this photo then click on the button " Import this photo to ipernity ".

  • To import a set go to the Flickr set page and click on " CLICK HERE TO START Flickr set importer " underneath the banner on the top of the page.
    For every photo of the Flickr set:

    • if the photo has already been imported to ipernity it will be added to a similar album on ipernity
    • if the photo is not yet on ipernity it will be imported BUT NOT ADDED TO THE ALBUM. YOU WILL NEED TO RELAUNCH THE SCRIPT TO ADD IT.
    No worries you will be notified if you need to relaunch the script or not.


    • only photos are imported, no videos.
    • only the first 2000 photos of a Flickr set are imported.
    • the cover photo and description of the Flickr set are imported as well

This does not affect your Flickr account.